Alpha Management Community Services

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Alpha Management Community Services, Inc. (AMCS) "a non­profit community-based organization" ... "which provides direct services to children and adults living in North Carolina", according to its web site, which also says:

Alpha Management Community Services provides a variety of services such as: Community Support, Diagnostic Assessments, Therapeutic Foster Care, Respite, Targeted Case Management, CAP-MR/DD, MR/MI, Outpatient Treatment, and Substance Abuse Intensive Outpatient Treatment Program. In the Foster Care Program, the AMCS social workers provide case planning and coordination of services to families whose children are in foster care, in order to reunite children with their biological families. The program provides coordinated, culturally sensitive casework services, designed to ensure that the experience of separation results in maximum opportunity for all concerned. The program focuses on rectifying, preventing problems, and concerns, which lead to the need for removal.

AMCS is listed by Community Partnerships as a provider of developmental therapy.


AMCS has 4 locations (as of 2008-03-02):

