Duke School
{{#lst:Durham, NC|navbar}}: Duke School
[Duke School] is a private school in Durham, NC covering preschool through 8th grade. The school uses project based learning to prepare students for excellence through high-school and college, and to foster a love for life-long learning. They have a campuses on 3716 Erwin Road with newly completely buildings for middle school (grades 5-8), and a tennis courts completed fall of 2014.
As of this writing, the Middle School seems to be completely moved into the new buildings, although one or two more are still being finished as of this writing; the move occurred early in 2009. Unfortunately, there apparently was not a lot of communication between the building designers and their users (teachers and students) – so although the buildings are very attractive and nicely built, they have a number of practical shortcomings which could have been avoided. Most noticeably, they are very echoey and cavernous. --Woozle 08:14, 3 April 2009 (EDT)