Alexander Flores

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Alexander Flores is a cubist sculptor based in Tonalá, Jalisco, Mexico.

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  • There is some information at vbzwiki, along with pictures of his works

Lynn Dickens writes

I am in Puerto Vallarta for a medical conference on January 15, 2008. I was here 2 years ago and had the pleasure of discovering the wonderful art of Alexander Flores. I was excited to return so that I could view and purchase more of his amazing pieces.

I would encourage those true patrons of his amazing talent who are googling his name hoping to find him to visit this website. There is a video in which he laments his inability to be true to himself and hopes to be able to do so one day, but realizes that through selling himself under this pseudonym he can make his childhood fantasies come true.

But where is Alexander Flores now? I hope he realizes how extraordinary his talent is, and that he should never sell out his ideals for any amount of money.


Lynn Dickens, MD