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* [http://blog.josephhall.com/2006/12/eggs.html eggs]: some useful information about different types of eggs, how they store, etc.
* [http://blog.josephhall.com/2006/12/eggs.html eggs]: some useful information about different types of eggs, how they store, etc.
Some quick and practical bulk-meals from The Hypertwins:
* [[htwiki:Baked chicken Harenaise|Baked chicken Harenaise]]
* [[htwiki:Baked turkey en glop rouge|Baked turkey en glop rouge]]

Latest revision as of 00:06, 11 January 2007


homecraft: cooking


Articles about cooking techniques, recipes, background information on different foods, etc.

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  • eggs: some useful information about different types of eggs, how they store, etc.


Some quick and practical bulk-meals from The Hypertwins: