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from HTYP, the free directory anyone can edit if they can prove to me that they're not a spambot
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* https://www.theverge.com/2017/12/30/16829804/browser-password-manager-adthink-princeton-research - a rather fiendish scheme
* https://www.theverge.com/2017/12/30/16829804/browser-password-manager-adthink-princeton-research - a rather fiendish scheme
* https://social.weho.st/@Fairphone - Fairphone
* https://social.weho.st/@Fairphone - Fairphone
* https://wiki.chatons.org/doku.php?id=en:charter
** https://hostux.social/@nubo_coop/99409659893292792

Revision as of 13:55, 25 January 2018