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(packaging text)
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* [http://speckproducts.com/treo650-grip.html product page at Speck]
* [http://speckproducts.com/treo650-grip.html product page at Speck]
==Packaging Text==
''Text on the package says:''
* Rubberized grips look and feel great
* Includes removable screen protection
* Perfect positioning via swivel-action holster
Includes Custom Holster with Deluxe Belt Clip

Revision as of 22:02, 20 June 2006

The Grip Skin for Treo 650 is a protective cover for the Treo 650 smartphone. It is made by Speck Products.

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2006-04-26 grip-skin for Treo 650 by speck.bck.web.jpg 2006-04-26 grip-skin for Treo 650 by speck.frt.web.jpg


Packaging Text

Text on the package says:

  • Rubberized grips look and feel great
  • Includes removable screen protection
  • Perfect positioning via swivel-action holster

Includes Custom Holster with Deluxe Belt Clip