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gio is a command line interface to the GIO subsystem.


subcommand argument(s) purpose
help [<COMMAND>] Displays a short synopsis of the available commands or provides detailed help on a specific command.
version Prints the GLib version to which gio belongs.
cat <LOCATION>...

Concatenates the given files and prints them to the standard output.
The cat command works just like the traditional cat utility.
Note: just pipe through cat if you need its formatting options like -n, -T or other.

copy [<OPTION>...] <SOURCE>... <DESTINATION> Copies one or more files from <SOURCE> to <DESTINATION>; similar to cp.
info [<OPTION>...] <LOCATION>... Shows information about the given locations; similar to ls.
launch <DESKTOP-FILE> [<FILE-ARG>...] Launch a desktop file from any location given.
  • The launch command extends the behavior of the open command by allowing any desktop file to be launched, not only those registered as file handlers.
list [<OPTION>...] [<LOCATION>...] Lists the contents of the given locations; similar to ls.
  • If no handler is given, the mime command lists the registered and recommended applications for the mimetype. If a handler is given, it is set as the default handler for the mimetype.
  • Handlers must be specified by their desktop file name, including the extension. Example: org.gnome.gedit.desktop.
mkdir [<OPTION>...] <LOCATION>... Creates directories; similar to mkdir.
  • Options:
    • -p, --parent
      Create parent directories when necessary.
monitor [<OPTION>...] [<LOCATION>...] Monitors files or directories for changes
mount [<OPTION>...] [<LOCATION>...] Provides commandline access to various aspects of GIO’s mounting functionality.
move [<OPTION>...] <SOURCE>... <DESTINATION> Moves one or more files from SOURCE to DESTINATION; similar to mv.
open [<file> or <URL>] Opens files with the default application that is registered to handle files of this type; related to xdg-open.
  • GIO obtains this information from the shared-mime-info database, with per-user overrides stored in $XDG_DATA_HOME/applications/mimeapps.list.
  • The mime command can be used to change the default handler for a mimetype.
  • Environment variables will not be set on the application, as it may be an existing process which is activated to handle the new file.
rename <LOCATION> <NAME> Renames a file; similar to rename.
remove [<OPTION>...] <LOCATION>... Deletes each given file; similar to rm.
  • This command removes files irreversibly. If you want a reversible way to remove files, see the trash command.
  • Note that not all URI schemes that are supported by GIO may allow deletion of files.
  • Options:
    • -f, --force
      Ignore non-existent and non-deletable files.
save [<OPTION>...] <DESTINATION> Reads from standard input and saves the data to the given location.
set [<OPTION>...] <LOCATION> <ATTRIBUTE> <VALUE>... Sets a file attribute on a file.
trash [<OPTION>...] [<LOCATION>...] Sends files or directories to the ‘Trashcan’ or restore them from ‘Trashcan’.
tree [<OPTION>...] [<LOCATION>...] Lists the contents of the given locations recursively, in a tree-like format; similar to tree.
  • Options:
    • -h, --hidden
      Show hidden files.
    • -l, --follow-symlinks
      Follow symbolic links.