VbzCart/tables/ref country

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  • Fields:
    • ShipZone: a text code indicating the "shipping zone", which is a shorthand way of estimating shipping cost multipliers for non-domestic delivery. The values are calculated in the clsShipZone class which is currently in shop.php and should eventually be broken out into a separate module for easier customization VBZ uses these codes:
      • US: United States (domestic)
      • CA: Canada (2x domestic costs) - would probably work for Mexico too, but we've never received any orders to be sent there...
      • NULL (default): everywhere else (4x domestic costs)
  • History:
    • 2012-01-11 created, along with ref_country_alias, so that ultimately we can rigorously get rid of the country being shown in the address when it's the same as the shipping origin (in vbz's case, "United States").


<mysql>CREATE TABLE `ref_country` (

 `ID`                  INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
 `Name`        VARCHAR(63) NOT NULL,

) ENGINE = MYISAM;</mysql>