VbzCart/queries/qryCat Items
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- Requires: cat_items, qryCat_Titles
- Used by: qryItms_to_restock_w_info and others
- History:
- 2008-11-22 Added isInPrint field so we could use this in qryItms_to_restock_w_info
- 2010-11-06 Added WHERE clause to remove Pulled and Dumped items, because their catalog information (which is what this query is about) should be irrelevant. Removed isPulled field from results because it will always be FALSE.
- 2011-12-24 Apparently NOT NULL evaluates to FALSE (either this is new or an unnoticed bug), so if we want NULL values of isDumped and isPulled to count as FALSE, we have to say IFNULL(isPulled,0)=0 etc.
- 2016-03-02 Discovered that this query doesn't even work anymore, and therefore is not in use (which is as it should be). Moved to "discarded" list.
- MySQL note: Functions (or CONCAT, anyway) apparently do not like being separated from their opening parenthesis; it seems to resolve the function name as a field name, and (generally) will report that there is no such field.
i.ID, i.ID_Title, (t.ID IS NOT NULL) AS TitleExists, t.ID_Supplier, i.PriceSell, i.PriceList, i.PriceBuy, i.CatNum, t.CatNum AS Title_CatNum, t.Name AS Title_Name, i.ID_ItTyp, i.ID_ItOpt, i.ItOpt_Descr, i.ItOpt_Sort, CONCAT(t.Name, IF (i.ItOpt_Descr IS NULL,,CONCAT( ' (',i.ItOpt_Descr,')' ) ) ) AS Descr, i.Supp_CatNum, i.isForSale, i.isInPrint, i.QtyMin_Stk, t.QtyMin_Rstk AS QtyMin_Rstk_Title
FROM cat_items AS i LEFT JOIN qryCat_Titles AS t on i.ID_Title=t.ID WHERE (IFNULL(isPulled,0)=0) AND (IFNULL(isDumped,0)=0) ORDER BY t.ID IS NOT NULL, i.CatNum, i.ItOpt_Sort;</mysql>