Help:Editing/new page/general

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Creating a New General Article

There are several ways to create a new page in the main article area. Here are the easiest:

search for it

  1. In the "search" box, type the exact name of the page you would like to create.
  2. If the page is found, then you may want to add your contents to the existing page, or you may want to use a different name.
  3. If the page does not exist, the search results will include a link to create it ("You can create this page") - click the link.
  4. Enter the contents you want
  5. Press the "Show preview" button to make sure things look ok
    • You can preview and edit as many times as you want before saving
  6. Press the "Save page" button to save your work.

link to it

This assumes that you want another page to link to the new page.

  1. Edit the page which should have a link to the new page.
  2. Add the link: [[your new page's name here]]
  3. Save the edit:
    • press [Show preview] to make sure things look ok -- your new link will be red, to indicate that the page doesn't exist (if it's blue, then the page does already exist)
    • press [Save page] to save your changes
  4. Click on the red link you just created; this will take you to your new page, in edit mode.
  5. Enter the contents and save, as above.

The Future

I've written a MediaWiki extension which lets users create new pages by entering the title and contents at the same time, as well as other information which can be plugged into a template. I will be installing this extension and creating some forms/templates for HTYP when time permits (feel free to nag me!).