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"Spam users" are user accounts created solely for the purpose of spamming. They typically make one edit, or a very small number of edits (e.g. upload one file, create one page with spam text and the uploaded image), each -- with the end result of a lot of user accounts that really should just be deleted.
User accounts are referred to by more than one table. We need to know all the places that refer to user accounts so that (a) we can present everything affected by a given user account, and (b) we can delete everything that user has done.
Tables that refer to user accounts:
- archive: ar_user -> user.user_id, ar_user_text -> user.user_name
- external_user: eu_local_id -> user.user_id
- filearchive: fa_user -> user.user_id, fa_user_text -> user.user_name
- image: img_user -> user.user_id, img_user_text -> user.user_name
- ipblocks: ipb_user
- ipblocks_old: ipb_user
- logging: log_user
- includes user creation, but no need to delete these events
- oldimage: oi_user, oi_user_text
- page_restrictions: pr_user
- protected_titles: pt_user
- recentchanges: rc_user, rc_user_text
- revision: rev_user, rev_user_text
- uploadstash: us_user
- user: master user table
- user_former_groups: ufg_user
- user_groups: ug_user
- user_newtalk: user_id
- user_properties: up_user
- watchlist: wl_user
Affected even if unblessed users are read-only:
- recentchanges
- revision -- only for pages with more than one edit, maybe?
- user_groups -- if user's group has changed
- user_properties -- set of properties for every user