HTML entity

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Revision as of 18:09, 2 January 2007 by Woozle (talk | contribs) (→‎Standard ASCII in Entities: codes for 32-64)
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An HTML entity is a combination of characters which will be displayed within an HTML browser as a single character. All HTML entities begin with "&" (ampersand) and end with ";" (semicolon). Many entities have mnemonic names (such as "&", which displays an ampersand); any possible character can be displayed as an entity by using the format "&#number;" where number is the output character's ASCII value in decimal.



  • Does Google resolve html entities when indexing web pages? That is, if I spelled a word (e.g. "schmerglefrotz") entirely using html entities, would someone be able to find that page using google by typing "schmerglefrotz" (after the site had been spidered, of course)? (As a test, I will spell a completely different word using HTML entities, and try Googling it later: FRELGKLOTZ)

Standard ASCII in Entities

! !
" "
# #
$ $
% %
& &
' '
( (
) )
* *
+ +
, ,
- -
. .
/ /
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
: :
; &#59;
< &#60;
= &#61;
> &#62;
? &#63;
@ &#64;
A &#65;     a &#97;
B &#66; b &#98;
C &#67; c &#99;
D &#68; d &#100;
E &#69; e &#101;
F &#70; f &#102;
G &#71; g &#103;
H &#72; h &#104;
I &#73; i &#105;
J &#74; j &#106;
K &#75; k &#107;
L &#76; l &#108;
M &#77; m &#109;
N &#78; n &#110;
O &#79; o &#111;
P &#80; p &#112;
Q &#81; q &#113;
R &#82; r &#114;
S &#83; s &#115;
T &#84; t &#116;
U &#85; u &#117;
V &#86; v &#118;
W &#87; w &#119;
X &#88; x &#120;
Y &#89; y &#121;
Z &#90; z &#122;
[ &#91; { &#123;
\ &#92; &#124;
] &#93; } &#125;
^ &#94; ~ &#126;
_ &#95; &#127; &#127;
` &#96; &#128; &#128;