Difference between revisions of "HTML entity"

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(→‎Entities by Number: fixed repeated number)
(smw; xref to percent-encoding)
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[[category:computer terminology]]An [[HTML entity]] is a combination of characters which will be displayed within an [[HTML]] browser as a single character. All HTML entities begin with "&amp;" (ampersand) and end with ";" (semicolon). Many entities have mnemonic names (such as "&amp;amp;", which displays an ampersand); any possible character can be displayed as an entity by using the format "&amp;#<u>number</u>;" where <u>number</u> is the output character's [[ASCII]] value in decimal.
[[page type::article]]
[[page type::reference]]
[[thing type::character format]]
[[category:computer terminology]]
An [[HTML entity]] is a combination of characters which will be displayed within an [[HTML]] browser as a single character. All HTML entities begin with "&amp;" (ampersand) and end with ";" (semicolon). Many entities have mnemonic names (such as "&amp;amp;", which displays an ampersand); any possible character can be displayed as an entity by using the format "&amp;#<u>number</u>;" where <u>number</u> is the output character's [[ASCII]] value in decimal.
''see also: [[wikipedia:Percent-encoding]]''
* {{wikipedia|Character entity reference}}
* {{wikipedia|Character entity reference}}

Revision as of 11:36, 21 August 2013


An HTML entity is a combination of characters which will be displayed within an HTML browser as a single character. All HTML entities begin with "&" (ampersand) and end with ";" (semicolon). Many entities have mnemonic names (such as "&amp;", which displays an ampersand); any possible character can be displayed as an entity by using the format "&#number;" where number is the output character's ASCII value in decimal.

see also: wikipedia:Percent-encoding



  • Does Google resolve html entities when indexing web pages? That is, if I spelled a word (e.g. "schmerglefrotz") entirely using html entities, would someone be able to find that page using google by typing "schmerglefrotz" (after the site had been spidered, of course)? (As a test, I will spell a completely different word using HTML entities, and try Googling it later: FRELGKLOTZ)
    • 2007-07-15 answer: Yes, it does find it (though it took several months at least before this page got indexed).

Entities by Number

  • 0-8 are not translated
  • 9 is probably TAB
  • 10 is probably LF
  • 13 is probably CR
  • 14-31 are not translated
  • 32 is a standard space
lower ASCII upper ASCII
! &#33; A &#65; a &#97; &#129; &#129; ¡ &#161; Á &#193; &Aacute; á &#225;
" &#34; B &#66; b &#98; &#130; &#130; ¢ &#162; Â &#194; â &#226;
# &#35; C &#67; c &#99; &#131; &#131; £ &#163; Ã &#195; &Atilde; ã &#227;
$ &#36; D &#68; d &#100; &#132; &#132; ¤ &#164; Ä &#196; &Auml; ä &#228;
% &#37; E &#69; e &#101; &#133; &#133; ¥ &#165; Å &#197; å &#229;
& &#38; &amp; F &#70; f &#102; &#134; &#134; ¦ &#166; Æ &#198; &AElig; æ &#230;
' &#39; G &#71; g &#103; &#135; &#135; § &#167; &sect; Ç &#199; ç &#231;
( &#40; H &#72; h &#104; &#136; &#136; ¨ &#168; È &#200; è &#232;
) &#41; I &#73; i &#105; &#137; &#137; © &#169; &copy; É &#201; é &#233;
* &#42; J &#74; j &#106; &#138; &#138; ª &#170; Ê &#202; ê &#234;
+ &#43; K &#75; k &#107; &#139; &#139; « &#171; Ë &#203; ë &#235;
, &#44; L &#76; l &#108; &#140; &#140; ¬ &#172; Ì &#204; ì &#236;
- &#45; M &#77; m &#109; &#141; &#141; ­ &#173; Í &#205; í &#237;
. &#46; N &#78; n &#110; &#142; &#142; ® &#174; Î &#206; î &#238;
/ &#47; O &#79; o &#111; &#143; &#143; ¯ &#175; Ï &#207; ï &#239;
0 &#48; P &#80; p &#112; &#144; &#144; ° &#176; Ð &#208; ð &#240;
1 &#49; Q &#81; q &#113; &#145; &#145; ± &#177; Ñ &#209; ñ &#241;
2 &#50; R &#82; r &#114; &#146; &#146; ² &#178; Ò &#210; ò &#242;
3 &#51; S &#83; s &#115; &#147; &#147; ³ &#179; Ó &#211; ó &#243;
4 &#52; T &#84; t &#116; &#148; &#148; ´ &#180; Ô &#212; ô &#244;
5 &#53; U &#85; u &#117; &#149; &#149; µ &#181; Õ &#213; õ &#245;
6 &#54; V &#86; v &#118; &#150; &#150; &#182; Ö &#214; ö &#246;
7 &#55; W &#87; w &#119; &#151; &#151; · &#183; × &#215; ÷ &#247;
8 &#56; X &#88; x &#120; &#152; &#152; ¸ &#184; Ø &#216; ø &#248;
9 &#57; Y &#89; y &#121; &#153; &#153; &trade; ¹ &#185; Ù &#217; ù &#249;
: &#58; Z &#90; z &#122; &#154; &#154; º &#186; Ú &#218; ú &#250;
; &#59; [ &#91; { &#123; &#155; &#155; » &#187; Û &#219; û &#251;
< &#60; \ &#92; &#124; &#156; &#156; ¼ &#188; Ü &#220; ü &#252;
= &#61; ] &#93; } &#125; &#157; &#157; ½ &#189; Ý &#221; ý &#253;
> &#62; ^ &#94; ~ &#126; &#158; &#158; ¾ &#190; Þ &#222; þ &#254; &thorn;
? &#63; _ &#95; &#127; &#127; &#159; &#159; ¿ &#191; ß &#223; ÿ &#255;
@ &#64; ` &#96; &#128; &#128;   &#160; À &#192; &Agrave; à &#224; Ā &#256;

And yes, it keeps going after this: āĂă...


  • &rsquo; - ’ - right single-quote
  • &lsquo; - ‘ - left single-quote