Duke Golf Course

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Duke Golf Course in Durham, NC apparently has something of a national reputation among golfers and golfing fans, having hosted a number of national golfing championships.

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Jogging Trail

Woozle Notes

...but I still think of "The Golf Course" as the place where I used to go bike riding (and probably disturbing the golfers) in the 1970s, before there was a separate jogging trail and before they paved all the connecting paths for the golfers. We were incensed when someone built a house right at the top of the entrance we used to primarily use (off Learned Place) – but then we found another one, near the bottom of Sevier... but then someone built a house in front of that one (they put their front path and mailbox right where our path used to be). So then we found a way around that, more or less in between the two houses, and that seems to have remained in a state of unspoken truce ever since.

The Washington Duke Inn as seen from the jogging trail, 2005
